A stack is an ordered collection of homogeneous data elements, where the insertion and deletion operation take place at one end.
Similar to array and linked list, attack is also linear data structure.
Only difference compared to array and link list, insertion and deletion operations takes place at any position.
In stack, Insertion and deletion operation specially termed as PUSH and POP respectively.
Some terminologies of stack are TOP, ITEM, and SIZE.
TOP – Position of the stack, where operations are preformed.
ITEM – Element in a stack.
SIZE – Maximum number of elements that a stack can accommodate.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of stack.
Representation of Stack:
Stack may be represented in the memory in various ways.
The two main ways are,
1. Stack using one dimensional array.
2. Stack using single link list.
Array Representation:
First, we have to allocate a memory block of sufficient size to accommodate the full capacity.
Start from the first location of the memory block.
For array representation the following two ways, stated
Empty: Top < 1
Full: Top >= u, s = u + 1-1
Where S is the size of the stack.
l and u are the lower and upper value respectively.
Operations on Stack (Array):
Basic operations required to manipulate a stack,
PUSH – To insert an item into a stack
POP – To remove an item from a stack
Algorithm PUSH:
1. If Top >= Size, then
2. Print “Stack is full”
3. Else
4. Top = Top + 1
5. A[Top] = Item
6. Endif
7. Stop
Algorithm POP:
1. If Top<1, then
2. Print “Stack is empty”
3. Else
4. Item = A[Top}
5. Top = Top – 1
6. Endif
7. Stop
Link List Representation of Stack:
Even though array representation of stack is very easy but it allows only pre defined stack size.
Some application size of the stack may vary during execution.
To overcome this problem we go for stack using link list.
In line the DATA field and LINK field as usual to point the next item.
In link list, first nose is the current item (top) of the stack.
Last node containing the bottom most element.
PUSH and POP operations perform the normal function. (Insertion, Deletion)
The size of the stack is not important here because, it follows dynamic stack instead of stack.
In link list, the test for overflow is not applicable in this case.
Stack head Top Fig. 2. Representation of Stack in Linked List
Algorithm PUSH: /* Linked List*/
1. New = Get node (Node) /*Insert at front*/
2. New DATA = Item
3. New LINK = Top
4. Top = New
5. Stack head LINK = Top
6. Stop
Algorithm POP: /* Linked List*/
1. If Top = NULL
2. Print “Stack is empty”
3. Exit
4. Else
5. ptr = Top LINK
6. Item = Top DATA
7. Stack head LINK = ptr
8. Top = ptr
9. Endif
10. Stop
Application of Stack:
Classical application in a compiler design is the evaluation of arithmetic expression.
Compiler uses a stack to translate an input arithmetic expression into its corresponding object code.
Some programming languages uses stack to run recursive program.
Another important feature of any programming language is the binding of memory variables.
Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions:
An arithmetic expression consists of operands operators.
Operands – Variables are constant.
Operators – Various types such as arithmetic unary and binary operators.
There are three types of expressions,
1. Infix expressions
2. Postfix expression
3. Prefix expression
Infix Expressions:
In this type of expressions the arrangement of operands and operator as follows,
Infix expression = Operand1 operator operand2
For Ex: 1. (a+b)
2. (a+b) * (c-d)
3. (a+b/e) *(d+f)
Infix expressions are the most natural way of representing the expression.
Postfix Expressions:
In this type of expressions the arrangement of operands and operator is as follow
Postfix expression = Operand1 operand2 Operator
For Ex: 1. ab+
2. ab+cd–*
3. ab+e/df+*
In postfix expressions there are no parenthesis used. All the corresponding operands comes first and then operators can be placed.
Prefix Expressions:
In these type of expressions the arrangement of operands and operator is as follows,
Prefix expression = Operator Operand1 operand2
For Ex: 1. +ab
2. *+ab-cd 3. */+ abe + df
In prefix expressions, there is no parenthesis used.
All the corresponding operators come first and then operands are arranged.
Rules for Converting Infix expression to Postfix:
1. The expression is to be read from left to right.
2. Read one character at a time from infix expression.
3. Make use of the stack to store the operators.
4. There should not be any parenthesis in the postfix form.
Sample Conversion:
(a + b) * (c – d), convert to prefix,
Prefix expression = Operator Operand1 operand2
= (+ ab) * (– cd)
= t * s
= * ts
= * + ab – cd
((a+b)/e) * (d+f), convert to postfix,
Postfix expression = Operand1 operand2 Operator
= (ab +/e) * (df+)
= (t/e) * (df+)
= (te/) * (df+)
= (ab + e/) * (df +)
= ab +e / df +*
(a*b) + (c/d), convert to postfix,
= (ab*) + (cd/)
= t+s
= ab* cd/ +
((a+b) + (c/d) – (E ^ (F*G)), convert to postfix,
= ((a+b) + (c/d) – (e^(fg*))
= ((ab+) + (cd/) – (efg*^)
= x + y – z
= ab+ cd/ efg*^+–
Infix to postfix using stack,
A + (B*C)
Input Stack Output
+ + A
( +( A
B +( AB
* +(* AB
C +(* ABC
) +(*) ABC
+ ABC*
((A – (B+C)) * D $ (E+F)) to post fix,
Input Stack Output
( (
( ((
A (( A
– ((– A
( ((–( A
B ((–( AB
+ ((–(+ AB
C ((–(+ ABC
) ((–(+) ABC
((– ABC+
) ((–) ABC+
( ABC+–
* (* ABC+–
D (* ABC+–D
$ (*$ ABC+–D
( (*$( ABC+–D
E (*$( ABC+–DE
+ (*$(+ ABC+–DE
F (*$(+ ABC+–DEF
) (*$(+) ABC+–DEF
(*$ ABC+–DEF+
) (*$) ABC+–DEF+
1) Infix to prefix using stack, (A+B) * C,
Reverse the given expression, => C * ) B + A (
Input Stack Output
* * C
) *) C
B *) CB
+ *)+ CB
A *)+ CBA
( *)+( CBA
Reversing again the obtained result, => *+ABC
(A+B) * (C–D)
Reverse the given expression, => )D–C( * )B+A( ,
Input Stack Output
) )
D ) D
– ) – D
C ) – DC
( ) –( DC
* * DC–
) *) DC–
B *) DC–B
+ *)+ DC–B
A *)+ DC–BA
( *)+( DC–BA
* DC–BA+
Reversing again the obtained result, *+AB–CD
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